Directional Changes
I often make quick notes while I’m out and about to use as fodder for future blog posts. July 20th of this year was no exception. While returning from shopping I passed by a young man, one of many in my city here in Colorado…
I often make quick notes while I’m out and about to use as fodder for future blog posts. July 20th of this year was no exception. While returning from shopping I passed by a young man, one of many in my city here in Colorado…
Back in the day, I was a budding writer. I was part of the inaugural group of the “Colorado Voices” in the Denver Post. In August of 2001, on our anniversary as a matter of fact, my piece was published. I’d meant it as a…
I’m not sure if this is the “appropriate” forum – but, on the other hand, it’s my blog darn it. For the many if you who’ve said “let me know if I can help” – this is my official cry for help. Here’s where we…
My garage has been invaded by wasps. No, not White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. I’m talking about the yellow, nasty, angry, stinging flying, scare-the-pants-off-of-you mean arsed bugs. At first, there was just one or two of the stray little buggers that I swatted away and basically applied…
I began drafting this while sitting in the critical care ICU waiting room as my husband is valiantly battling to stay alive. Back at the hacienda, I have a few moments between hospital races to put this in some semblance of order, so please excuse…
IRL, I hunt bad guys for a living. From murderers to petty thieves, drug dealers to gang members to con artists, grifters and scammers who’ve bilked grandmas out of their life savings. I’ve found them all over the world. That’s also the reason I use…
For those gentle readers who do not know me, one of my all consuming passions (when I’m not snarking on the Comboverlord, that is), is my fishkeeping. I’m one of those doting owners who names all of her fish and probably spends way too much…
While my sadness is great this morning at the loss of a candidate that I would be proud to vote for as opposed to a belligerent braggart who demands my vote out of fear of his opponent, I am beyond proud of David French for…
Allow me to play devil’s advocate for a moment. When Ted Cruz first threw his hat in the ring, I was over the moon. I thought to myself, “Finally! A conservative – and a constitutional conservative at that”. Knowing full well that the GOP would…
When I was growing up, one of my best friends was a little blonde haired moppet named Debby. Debby’s mom, Hedy was from Germany. Hedy was, well, interesting. In addition to being an awesome cook, as evidenced by Debby’s brother’s waistline, Hedy was most infamous…